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Selenium PYTHON : (Basic + Advance + Framework)

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Selenium PYTHON : (Basic + Advance + Framework)

Selenium Python Training course videos will help you learn Python, Pytest, WebDriver, and Frameworks. The objective of the course is that you should be able to work on Selenium using Python to expertise which can help you clear interviews/work on projects.

We have covered various projects and frameworks which will give you industry-level experience. On course completion, You will be Mastered in Selenium Automation Testing with Python and can implement Successfully it in your workplace or will surely land High Paying Job


Examples are taken from REAL TIME HOSTED WEB APPLICATIONS to understand how different components can be automated.

Topics include:

Python Basics

Python Modules, Variables and Data Types

Python Decision-Making & Functions

Python Data Structures and Strings

Python Object-Oriented Programming

Inheritance & its types

Python Encapsulation

Decorators & Generators

Python Exception Handling

Openpyxl and Reading excel files

Writing into Excel file

What is Pytest | Installing Pytest

Grouping & Parameterizing test cases

Fixtures & Dependency

Pytest Allure Reports

Customizing Allure Report

Project Structure with Python reusable with any project

What Is Selenium Webdriver, Components of Selenium Webdriver

Downloading Selenium in Eclipse/Pycharm

Launching Browsers with Selenium

Handling Browser Notifications, Proxy Settings, Logs, SSL Errors

Identification of Objects in Selenium Python WebDriver

Using Xpaths with Selenium Python

Using CSS Selectors with Selenium WebDriver

Waiting Strategies, WebElement Features, Exceptions in Selenium

Multiple Object Extraction

Taking Screenshots, Managing CheckBoxes, Radiobuttons, Dropdowns with Selenium

Multiple Window Handing With Selenium

Managing Frames and Javascript Alerts

Action Class and Performing Complex User Actions

Managing Web tables

Handling Ajax Auto Suggests, JSE & AutoIT

Uploading and Downloading Files With Selenium

Managing Website Cookies

Parallel execution with Selenium Grid

Jenkins and Git Implementation

Data Driven Framework - LIVE PROJECT

Hybrid Framework - LIVE PROJECT

Page Object Model - LIVE PROJECT

All the Best! Happy Testing :)