SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) Certification Practice Exams
Prepare for the SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) Certification with confidence through our comprehensive practice test exams. Designed to align with the exam content and structure, these practice tests offer invaluable insights into your readiness for the actual certification.
Go into your exams with confidence.
• Course Title: SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager - POPM (6.0) Practice Tests
• Number of Questions: 6 Sets of 45 questions (total of 270 questions).
• Note: Passing the practice tests does not guarantee passing the exam, the course is provided as a preparation resource for the real POPM (6.0) exam. However, we're confident that if you internalize the concepts, go through the explanations for the answers, and practice to the level of getting at 90% in all the tests, you have a great chance of acing the exam.
• Structure: Practice Tests are structured in the same format as the real POPM (6.0) Exam.
Real SAFe POPM (6.0) Exam Information:
• Number of Questions: 45
• Duration: 90 Minutes
• Passing Score: 80% (36/45)
• Structure: Questions are structured in a multiple choice, single select format.
• Delivery: Web-based, closed book, no outside assistance.
• Access: Exam can be accessed via the official platform of the organizing body - Scaled Agile Inc - and after course completion.
• Requirement: Review and acceptance of the Candidate Agreement, which is provided by the organizing body.
• Fee: First attempt is included in the course registration fee (which varies depending on your chosen accredited training partner) if taken within 30 days of course completion.
• Retake: If you do not attain the 80% passing score in the first attempt, you have access to retake the exam, at a cost of $50. Note, however, that First retake (May be taken immediately after the first failed attempt); Second retake (May be taken 10 days after the first retake); Third retake (May be taken 30 days after the second retake); and all subsequent retakes require a 30-day wait.