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Python Certification Exam Preparation: 4 Practice Tests

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Python Certification Exam Preparation: 4 Practice Tests

This course provides you with 4 practice examinations that each have 15 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to aid in assessing and improving your understanding of Python programming. The exam series is open to both students who will take the Python Certification Test and Freshers who will take the Python Job Preliminary Test.

A test applicant must demonstrate that they have a solid grasp of Python's syntax and semantics, as well as the ability to apply it to solve typical implementation issues. They should also have a solid comprehension of the fundamental concepts of computer programming.

This Test Series focuses on following Python Areas:

Python Environment


User Input and Outputs

Data Types






Classes and Objects

Regular Expressions

Error Handling

Generators, and more

The Practice Test is created to assist you in not only evaluating your knowledge but also in enhancing your understanding of Python by providing you with in-depth answers to each question after you pass the Practice Test. You will be one step closer to being able to confidently show up for job interviews and certification exams after taking this course.

Passing score for certification is 75%

Who this course is for:

Beginners who seek python certification from institutes for their career growth in the world of python programming and programming in general.

Students seeking career in the field of Python programming.

All IT Professionals who want to gauge their Python Knowledge for their upcoming job interview

Anyone who wants to take their career, and salary, to a whole new level with a Python certification!


Nishant Tiwari