The objective of this set of sample questions is to provide information about the exam Exam PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst. These are examples of questions to familiarize yourself with the type and level of difficulty of the questions on the PL-300 certification test. To familiarize yourself with the real environment of the exam. When solving quests based on scenarios in real time in a practical way, you face many difficulties that give you the opportunity to improve and be approved without the exam on the first attempt.
The Microsoft PL-300 exam is especially intended for Power BI data analysts who use available data and subject matter experience to provide meaningful insights. We determine business needs by consulting important stakeholders from various sectors, cleanse and transform data, and then use Power BI to create data models.
Benefits to either purchase or practice PL-300 tests
Performance-based online simulations provide hands-on experience in the workplace
Questions are similar to exam questions to test your knowledge of exam objectives
Detailed explanations for correct and distracting answers reinforce the material
Study mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are covered
The certification mode (temporary) prepares students for the conditions of taking the exam
Detailed, instant score reports tell you exactly which areas to focus on.
This sc-300 practice test covers following topics:
1. Prepare the data (15–20%)
Get data from different data sources
Clean, transform and load the data
2. Model the data (30–35%)
Design a data model
Develop a data model
Create model calculations by using DAX
Optimize model performance
3. Visualize and analyze the data (25–30%)
Create reports
Create dashboards
Enhance reports for usability and storytelling
Identify patterns and trends
4. Deploy and maintain assets (20–25%)
Manage files and datasets
Manage workspaces
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