Ce cours est une séance de travaux pratiques où nous implémentons from scratch un SBC Oracle depuis son installation, sa configuration de bases et la configuration des services media pour gérer la signalisation SIP et le flux RTP.
Au programme :
Part I : Architecture SIP
SIP entities explanation
UAC and UAS explanation
B2BUA explanation
Part II : Deployment on Google Cloud Platform
SBC interfaces explanation
Creation of VPC and subnets
Creation firewall rules for SIP trafic
Creation of network peering
Creation of bucket
Getting SBC Oracle software
Creation of custom image
Creation of VM template
SBC Oracle VM deployment
Part III : Deployment on VMWARE
VMWARE networks explanation
Voip architecture explanation, network Interfaces and addressing plan on the SBC
Booting the SBC
Setup Product and setup entitlements
Activation of Network Interfaces Card and mapping
Some Oracle SBC familiar commands
SBC global éléments configuration
SBC physical interfaces configuration
SBC network interfaces configuration
HIP configuration on network interfaces
SBC realms configurations
SBC steering pool configuration
SBC SIP interfaces configuration
Local policy configuration
First call tests
Part IV : Header Manipulation Rules (HMR)
HMR explanation
Country Code 225 ruleset (HMR) configuration
Country code 33 ruleset (HMR) configuration
Ruleset configuration for topology hiding on TO and FROM headers
Ruleset configuration for callerID remplacement
Connecting the Ruleset to a realm
Call test
Part V : Incoming call
Context explanation
SBC Local policy configuration for incoming calls
Ports redirection configuration on internet box/firewall for incoming calls
Configuration from ITSP side for incoming calls
Configuration from PBX side for incoming calls
First call tests
Troubleshooting and Final call tests
Part VI : Session-Agent, Access List, Local Routing Table
Session-Agent explanation and configuration
Access List explanation and configuration
Local Routing Table (LRT) explanation
Local Routing Table (LRT) configuration