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Microsoft Excel Training - Beginner to Expert Level in Hindi

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Microsoft Excel Training - Beginner to Expert Level in Hindi

(माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल को प्रभुत्व के लिए व्यापक कोर्स, जिसमें तार्किक कथन, उन्नत फंक्शन, डेटा स्वरूपण, VBA मैक्रो, और अन्य शामिल हैं।)

           Welcome to the "Mastering Microsoft Excel" course! This comprehensive guide is designed to take you from a beginner level to an advanced user of Microsoft Excel. Throughout this course, you will learn a wide range of functions and features to enhance your data analysis, reporting, and presentation skills using Excel, including macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programming.

Module 1: Introduction to Excel

Understanding the Excel interface

Navigating workbooks and worksheets

Entering and formatting data

Basic formula writing and cell references

Managing workbooks and sheets

Module 2: Logical Statements and Basic Functions

Introduction to logical statements (IF, IF-ELSE, nested IF)

Utilizing logical functions for data analysis

The SUMIF function for conditional summing

The COUNTIF function for conditional counting

Module 3: Advanced Functions

Introduction to the "THEN" function

Utilizing advanced functions (e.g., SUMIFS, COUNTIFS)

Using the "IF" function in conjunction with other functions

Working with date and time functions (e.g., TODAY, NOW, DATE, TIME)

Module 4: Data Formatting and Protection

Conditional formatting to highlight data

Custom formatting for cells and data

Protecting files with passwords and permissions

Data protection techniques to prevent unwanted changes

Module 5: Data Organization and Management

Hiding and unhiding rows and columns

Sorting and filtering data for analysis

Organizing data using tables and named ranges

Module 6: Lookup and Reference Functions

Vertical Lookup (VLOOKUP) for finding data in tables

Horizontal Lookup (HLOOKUP) for finding data in tables

Utilizing INDEX and MATCH functions for dynamic lookups

Module 7: Macros and VBA Programming

Understanding macros and their benefits

Recording simple macros to automate tasks

Writing and editing macros using VBA code

Customizing macros to suit specific needs