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Material Science & Engineering (Hindi)

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Material Science & Engineering (Hindi)

This Course will Give knowledge of science behind materials, metallurgy and Non destructive Materials. Develop intuitive understanding of the subject to present a wealth of real world engineering examples to give students a feel of how material science is useful in engineering practices. Course will cover 

Types of Materials

Mechanical Properties of Materials

Stress-Strain Curve

Solidification of metals


Crystal and amorphous

different types of bonds in different metals


Different, mechanical properties of metals and other engineering materials like strength, hardness, elasticity, plasticity, Malleability, Ductility, Creep, Fatigue etc.,

Elastic, anelastic and Viscoelastic behaviour. 

Cooling curves, Isomorphous, Utectic, Eutectoid , Eutectoid solid solution, Peritectic and other phase diagrams,

Iron – Carbon phase diagram,

T-T-T diagrams

Types of Cast Iron.

Types of Stainless Steels

Heat treatment of metals

Based on phase diagram and T-T-T-Diagram the heat treatment of various metals,  surface heat treatments,Case carburising, Types of Anealing, Normalising, Spherodising, Phase Transformations like Parlite, Cementite, Austenite, Troostite,Bainite,Hard and soft Martensite etc. Laser hardening, Cyniding.

Alloying , Characteristics of alloying elements

Metallographic studies, Optical Microscope, Electron Microscope. 

Non Destructive Testings, Dye Penetrant Testing, Visual Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, Eddy Current, Radiography, Acoustic Emmision Testing. etc.

यह कोर्स सामग्री, धातु विज्ञान और गैर विनाशकारी सामग्री के पीछे विज्ञान का ज्ञान देगा। इंजीनियरिंग अभ्यासों में भौतिक विज्ञान कितना उपयोगी है, यह जानने के लिए छात्रों को वास्तविक विश्व इंजीनियरिंग उदाहरणों का खजाना पेश करने के लिए विषय की सहज समझ विकसित करें। पाठ्यक्रम को कवर किया जाएग