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Git, GitHub & Markdown Crash Course: Learn Git, GitHub & MD

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Git, GitHub & Markdown Crash Course: Learn Git, GitHub & MD

Git and GitHub are very important and much needed skills in the field of software.

These tools are used to facilitate team work, cooperation between them, to manage software projects, and to avoid losing important files from projects.

Also, you can use Git to test different codes and ideas without affecting the main project.

And if you want to go back to any step or version of the project, you can do so easily.

These are just some of the features, but there are more and more features that you will learn in this course.

In this course, you will master the use of GIT and GitHub in addition to the Markdown language in a detailed, practical and fast manner to save your valuable time.

Git, GitHub and Markdown

Track and record code changes

Avoid losing important files and parts

Manage software project’s code and changes

Collaborate with other developers and engineers

Branching and Merging capabilities

Lots of flexibility in your workflow

Create and host repositories on GitHub

Keep up to date with updates on GitHub

Pushing and Pulling changes

Use projects of other developers to practice and enhance your skills

Hide specified parts of projects

Use Markdown to add stylish text, long description, and instructions on GitHub

And More.

Learning these skills will open up many opportunities for you.

Hi, I am Ahmed Ibrahim, a software engineer, and I will be the instructor for this course, and I hope that you will join us in this rich course.

Let's get started!