Cluster Analysis is a statistical tool which is used to classify objects into groups called clusters, where the objects belonging to one cluster are more similar to the other objects in that same cluster and the objects of other clusters are completely different. In simple words cluster analysis divides data into clusters that are meaningful and useful. Clustering is used mainly for two purposes – clustering for understanding and clustering for utility.
Application of cluster analysis
Cluster analysis is used in many fields like machine learning, market research, pattern recognition, data analysis, information retrieval, image processing and data compression.
Cluster analysis can help the marketers to find out distinct groups of their customer base.
Cluster analysis is used in the field of biology to find out plant and animal taxonomies and categorize genes with similar characteristics
Cluster analysis is used in an earth observation database to group the houses in a city according to the house type, value and location.
Clustering can also be used to segment the documents on the web based on a specific criteria
In data mining, cluster analysis is used to gain in-depth understanding about the characteristics of data in each cluster.
Clustering Methods
Clustering methods can be divided into the following categories
Partitioning method
Hierarchical Method
Density based method
Grid Based Method
Model Based Method
Constraint Based Method
Advantages of Cluster Analysis
Given below are the advantages of cluster analysis
Cluster analysis gives a quick overview of data
It can be used if there are many groups in data
Cluster analysis can be used when there are unusual similarity measures to be done
Cluster analysis can be added on ordination plots and it is good for the nearest neighbours
Approaches to cluster analysis
There are a number of different approaches used to carry out cluster analysis which are divided into two
Hierarchical Method – Agglomerative Methods and Divisive Methods
Non Hierarchical Method also known as K-means Clustering methods
Cluster Analysis Course Objectives
At the end of this course you will be able to know
How to use cluster analysis in data mining
About the various types of clusters
About the Marketing applications of cluster analysis
Implications of wide variety of clustering techniques
Use clustering in statistical analysis