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C++ from Zero to Hero

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C++ from Zero to Hero

هذه الدورة من السي بلس بلس حيث افترض الشخص الذي امامي لا يعرف اي شي عن عالم البرمجة ستتمكن من خلال هذه الدورة من الدخول الى عالم البرمجة وفهم اساسيات اللغات البرمجية

لا تحتاج الى اي مؤهلات للدخول الى هذه الدورة ،تتميز هذه الدورة بأنها مختصرة وليس فيها تشعبات وتفاصيل غير اساسية

C++ is a general purpose programming language that supports various computer programming models such as object-oriented programming and generic programming.Its main purpose was to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer.

By learning C++, you can create applications that will run on a wide variety of hardware platforms such as personal computers running Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X.

The main target of this course is to help the students who are still under graduation and want to understand C++ programming and teach them how to solve exam problems.