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Business Execution: Monitoring and Evaluating Initiatives

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Business Execution: Monitoring and Evaluating Initiatives

Welcome to the Business Execution - Monitoring and Evaluating Initiatives course. This is the third course of the Business Execution series.

A company may have good leadership, a well-planned strategy, and it may have successfully aligned its people and operations to strategy. However, all the best preparations are useless unless they are actually seen through to completion.

It's chiefly in execution where various organizations tend to falter. This is often caused by a lack of effective and integrated monitoring and evaluation.

Monitoring and evaluating are not the same thing. Monitoring measures progress, checking whether the implementation is on track and aligns with your objectives. Evaluating your execution is about measuring success.

It allows you to adjust your plans and improve performance. Even the best-designed and best-implemented strategies can sometimes become obsolete as business circumstances change. It is essential, therefore, that strategy is systematically monitored and evaluated – and revised if required.

This course takes you through the steps involved in monitoring execution of your strategy. It then outlines the process for evaluating the results of your execution. Finally, you will learn how to effectively revise strategy once you have determined that change is needed.

That’s it! Now go ahead and push that “Take this course” button and see you inside the course!