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AWS CloudFormation-Beginner to Advanced (Hands-On with YAML)

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AWS CloudFormation-Beginner to Advanced (Hands-On with YAML)

Welcome to the most comprehensive AWS CloudFormation Course on Udemy from an instructor with actual enterprise hands-on implementation experience migrating more than 200+ workloads for Fortune 100 companies.

This AWS CloudFormation course is a fully handson course and will start with absolute basics and build on the basics to help you gain expertise at CloudFormation (YAML) to be able write any enterprise grade CloudFormation stack in no time.

Absolutely no coding or YAML background is required.

25+ AWS Services covered (AWS Lambda, API Gateway, REST API Resources & Methods, IAM Roles, Route 53, ALB, EC2, S3, Auto Scaling, Launch Configuration, Cloud Watch Logs, SNS, VPC and many others

Three End to End Enterprise Use Cases -:

Banking Serverless App - API Gateway, AWS Lambda and S3

Web Application - Route 53, ALB, EC2 AutoScaling, CloudWatch Logs and Alarms, SNS

AWS Account Baseline VPC Setup - VPC, Subnets, Internet Gateway, Route Tables, Security Group  and others

Below are the topics that will be covered as part of this course.

AWS CloudFormation - Introduction

Course Introduction and Outline

CloudFormation - Pre-Requisites, Basic Terminology and Template Anatomy

AWS CloudFormation - Resources, Parameters and Metadata

Resources – S3, EC2 and VPC

Parameters – S3 and EC2


Resources, Parameters and Metadata - Tying it all together

Enterprise Use Case 1 – Web Application

WebApplication - Architecture

WebApplication - Launch Configuration and Auto Scaling Group

WebApplication - Application LoadBalancer

WebApplication - CloudWatch Log Group and SNS

WebApplication - CloudWatch Alarm

WebApplication - Hosted Zone and ResourceRecords

CloudFormation General Concepts - Change Sets, CloudFormation IAM Role, Resource Deletion Policies

Change Sets - Theory

Change Sets - Handson

CloudFormation IAM Role - Theory

CloudFormation IAM Role - HandsOn

CloudFormation - Resource Deletion (Delete, Retail and Snapshot) - Theory

CloudFormation - Resource Deletion (Delete, Retail and Snapshot) - HansdsOn

Launching CloudFormation using AWS CI-CD Pipeline

AWS CI-CD Introduction

Deploying CloudFormation using AWS CI-CD Pipeline without Parameters

Deploying CloudFormation using AWS CI-CD Pipeline with Parameters/Configuration File

Enterprise Use Case 2 - AWS Serveless Banking Use Case - API Gateway, AWS Lambda and S3


AWS S3 Bucket

AWS Lambda Execution Role

AWS Lamba

AWS API Gateway - REST API, Resources

AWS API Gateway - REST Method and Deployment

Lambda Invoke Permission

End-to End Demo

Enterprise Use Case 3 - AWS Account Baseline VPC Setup


Virtual Private Cloud

Public and Private Subnets

Internet Gateway

Route Table and Routes

Security Group


AWS CloudFormation – Mappings, Output, Conditions, Rules and Transform

AWS CloudFormation Mappings

AWS CloudFormation Outputs

AWS CloudFormation Conditions

AWS CloudFormation Rules and Transform

AWS CloudFormation General Concepts - ChangeSets, IAM Role, Deletion Policy

AWS CloudFormation Change Sets

AWS CloudFormation Resource Deletion (Delete, Snapshot, Retain)

AWS CloudFormation IAM Role

AWS Cloud Development Kit - Implementing AWS API Gateway, Lambda and S3 using CDK v2

AWS CDK Introduction and Benefits

AWS CDK Pre-Requisites

Architecture for Serverless Use Case

S3 Bucket creation with CDK v2

IAM Role and S3 creation with CDK v2

Lambda, IAM Role and S3 creation with CDK v2

API Gateway, Lambda, IAM Role and S3 creation with CDK v2

Optional (How to write the Lambda Code) - From my Udemy Course on AWS Lambda

Following AWS Services will be Coded in Cloudformation in this course using YAML

- AWS Lambda

- AWS API Gateway - REST API, Resources and Methods

- AWS Lambda Execution Role

- EC2

- S3


- Public and Private Subnet

- IG

- Route Table


- Security Group

- Tags

- Route 53 Hosted Zone

- Resource Records

- Application Load Balancer

- Auto Scaling Group

- Launch Configuration

- CloudWatch Log Group

- CloudWatch Alarm


- Deployment using CI-CD Pipeline

- Lambda InvokePermission

- API Gateway Deployment

AWS CloudFormation Concepts to be discussed in the course

- AWSTemplateFormatVersion

- Description

- Metadata

- Parameters

- Rules

- Mappings

- Conditions

- Transform

- Resources

- Outputs

- ChangeSets

- CloudFormation IAM Role

- Deletion Policy