Rob Ridout's Udemy course covers all the important elements of conceptualising, creating and running a successful job search. The course is aimed at candidates who struggle to understand how to create a winning CV and LinkedIn profile, then need help to structure a Job Search that will land their dream job. Rob covers the basics in this course as well as many secret recruiter tips and tricks. The course also covers basic and important interview techniques that will help any candidate who struggles in interview situations. Lecture videos are informal and frank and there are articles to assist with additional reading material from Rob's published book CVforLife. Rob also works through sample CVs and LinkedIn profiles to help create interactive content. There are also some downloadable documents, including a easy to use application spreadsheet and CVÂ samples that will provide the student with excellent examples. The style and pace of Rob's course will keep the student interested and the pace is easy enough to follow without becoming overburdened with information. Lectures are typically below 10 minutes to ensure that student get maximum value without being bored. Rob Ridout has shared his Job Search secrets in a very real and informative course that will help any job seeker improve their chances of finding a role that will bring about long term career success.