Alibaba ACA Cloud Computing Certification Mock Exam Test
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Sample Question Format
Here's a sample format of our multiple-choice questions:
Sample Question
What is the primary benefit of using Alibaba Cloud's Object Storage Service (OSS) for storing large amounts of data?
Answer Option 1: Low latency
Explanation 1: While OSS does offer relatively low latency for accessing data, its primary benefit lies in its scalability and cost-efficiency for large data storage.
Answer Option 2: High durability
Explanation 2: OSS ensures high durability of data, making it a reliable choice for long-term storage of large data volumes.
Answer Option 3: Scalability
Explanation 3: Correct! OSS is highly scalable, allowing you to store and manage virtually unlimited amounts of data without worrying about capacity constraints.
Answer Option 4: Real-time processing
Explanation 4: OSS is not primarily designed for real-time processing of data. Its strength lies in storing large amounts of data.
Answer Option 5: Integrated backup solutions
Explanation 5: Although OSS can be used as part of a backup solution, it does not inherently provide integrated backup functionalities.
Correct Answer: Answer Option 3
Overall Explanation: Alibaba Cloud's Object Storage Service (OSS) is particularly beneficial for its scalability, making it an ideal choice for businesses that need to store and manage large amounts of data efficiently and cost-effectively.
Domain: Cloud Storage
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